Singapore – NICE, a software development firm, has recently unveiled the successful implementation of the NICE CXone cloud-native contact centre platform into the business operations of multinational trading technology company AUSIEX. This strategic integration is designed to enhance its operational capabilities and customer engagement efforts.
Under the alliance, a significant upgrade in the system was applied in data analytics and reporting, with AUSIEX shifting from relatively manual and intensive processes to automated, real-time reporting and analytics through CXone. Said development simplified operations and delivered comprehensive insights into customer behaviours and preferences.
Following CXone’s rollout, AUSIEX has also added new customer feedback channels and engagement, including phone-based surveys, which has seen its customer engagement increase by 33%. This growth supports the company’s broader goal of leveraging technology to improve customer understanding and optimise service experiences.
Additionally, said adoption has also provided a strong foundation from which AUSIEX can continue to evolve its operations through continuous improvement and innovation, including through the planned integration of workforce management capabilities.
Brett Grant, head of product, CX, and marketing at AUSIEX, said, “Adopting CXone has empowered AUSIEX to expand its customer interaction capabilities significantly. The company has moved from a primarily inbound call setup to a dynamic, AI-driven omnichannel approach that includes webchat and call-back features, enhancing both service levels and operational efficiency and flexibility.”
“This transition has been a game-changer for the business that not only signifies a pivotal shift in AUSIEX’s technological infrastructure but also aligns with the company’s strategic objective to provide superior service to and on behalf of our clients in an increasingly competitive market,” added Grant.
Darren Rushworth, president at NICE International, also commented, “NICE is thrilled to see the impact CXone has had on AUSIEX and its operations. NICE is dedicated to empowering innovative and customer-centric businesses like AUSIEX with cutting-edge solutions that position them at the forefront of innovation, and CXone is specifically designed to meet the evolving expectations of customers in today’s dynamic market.”
“With CXone, AUSIEX can enhance its customer engagement with an agile and responsive service that adapts to changing needs while ensuring consistent CX,” he concluded.